The Aurora Crash
In 1897, a grand airship reportedly crashed into the windmill on Judge Proctor's farm in Aurora, TX. The pilot was said to have been buried in the town cemetery with "full Christian rights." In the 1970s, a group of investigators revisited the story, and launched an in-depth investigation, determined to prove once and for all if the stories were true.
What Crashed at an Aurora Farm in 1897?
Is an Alien Body Buried in the Town Cemetary?
Beginning in the late 1890s, there was a wave of sightings of grand airships seen floating silently over endless wheatfields and city centers alike. They were reported to be piloted by human looking entities sometimes claiming to be from Mars. Many compared the ships to common dirigibles and suspected that a local inventor was responsible for the craft. It was also widely speculated that Thomas Edison was the culprit resulting in him issuing a public statement denying his involvement.
One of the most noteworthy airship sightings was the Aurora, Texas crash which took place on April 17, 1897, six years prior to the Wright brothers first flight. It was reported that a mystery ship was seen at 6 AM flying low, and apparently suffering some type of mechanical failure. It ended up crashing into the windmill on Judge Proctor’s farm, creating a great explosion, and killing its occupant. When the locals went to check the site, they found scraps of a ship made of unknown metal, a written log containing strange looking hieroglyphics, and the perished body of the pilot which was reported as being “Not of this world.” The remains of the ship were subsequently collected and dumped into the well site on the Proctor farm and a funeral was planned for the pilot. He was ultimately buried at the Aurora cemetery with full christian rights and a few metal fragments from the craft. Later investigation of the encounter during the 1970s found the grave marked with a small headstone and the site tested positive with metal detecting equipment. Request for exhumation was denied and a later return found the site disturbed and missing the original headstone. Metal fragments were retrieved from the well but were terribly corroded. Today, a plaque retelling the encounter greets visitors to the cemetery and a large rock with a crudely drawn spaceship marks the gravesite.